Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Lukasz Wierzbowski

The Attic People Vintage” title=
The Attic People Vintage” title=
The Attic People Vintage” title=
The Attic People Vintage” title=

What with all the awful pointless riots breaking out across London our blog has not been our main priority. For now I just wanted to share these pretty photographs by Lukasz Wierzbowski which I came across through the lovely Daydream Lily blog. She takes such pretty creative photographs... I especially like the ones with flowers and net curtains.

Lets hope things improve here in London, Its such a sad site to see.

Posted by: Marisa


  1. gorgeous photos, a lovely to site to see in between all the mindless chaos in London xx

  2. really awesome pics, hope you are well? wishing you all the best to overcome those mindless chaos. What a shame, I hate things like that, especially if they happen in a city that's stolen my heart

  3. These are very inspiring photos! And yes, I've heard of the crazy things that are happening in London. I don't even want to think about who to blame or anything like that. All I can do is pray that people stay safe and that things will come to peace.


  4. lovely pictures!!! i really like the flowers!

    jos xx


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